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Terms and Conditions for iSpanno



Welcome to iSpanno, a unique service dedicated to offering immersive Spanish learning experiences in Spain. Our tailored programs are designed to immerse you in the Spanish language and culture through 1-week immersion programs, multi-day tours, homestays with Spanish families, and enrollment in top Spanish language schools, complete with accommodation and meal plans. These Terms and Conditions govern your participation in any of our programs and by enrolling, you accept these terms in full. Please review them carefully to understand your rights and obligations.


1. Eligibility and Enrollment

  • Age and Language Proficiency: Participants must be at least 18 years old, or have parental/guardian consent if under 18. Programs are open to all language proficiency levels, with specific requirements detailed for each program.

  • Documentation: Participants are responsible for providing all necessary documentation including, but not limited to, a valid passport, appropriate visas, and evidence of travel insurance. iSpanno may assist in providing information but is not responsible for obtaining these documents.


2. Program Fees and Payments

  • Inclusions and Exclusions: Detailed descriptions of what program fees include (such as accommodations, meals, transportation for program activities) and exclude (plane tickets, visa fees, personal expenses, and insurance) will be provided for each program.

  • Payment Schedule: A detailed payment schedule, including deposit amounts, payment deadlines, and acceptable payment methods, will be provided upon enrollment.

  • Late Payments: Failure to meet payment deadlines may result in program cancellation with applicable cancellation fees.


3. Cancellations and Refunds

  • By Participant: Cancellation policies, including timelines and refund amounts, will be clearly defined. Special considerations for cancellation due to medical or family emergencies will be addressed.

  • By iSpanno: In rare cases, iSpanno reserves the right to cancel programs for reasons including, but not limited to, insufficient enrollment, safety concerns, or force majeure. In such cases, participants will receive a full refund or the option to transfer to another program.


4. Changes to Programs

  • iSpanno may modify program itineraries, accommodations, or instructors due to circumstances beyond our control or to enhance participant experience. Significant changes will be communicated as soon as possible, with options provided for participants who may wish to reconsider their participation under the new conditions.


5. Participant Conduct

  • Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful to all individuals and communities involved in the program. This includes adherence to program schedules, participation in planned activities, and observance of local laws and customs.

  • iSpanno reserves the right to dismiss any participant from the program for reasons including, but not limited to, illegal activity, failure to comply with program rules, or behavior deemed harmful to the group or individuals. Dismissal will not warrant a refund.


6. Liability and Risk

  • Assumption of Risk: Participants acknowledge the inherent risks associated with travel and study abroad, including but not limited to risks of illness, injury, and loss of property. Participants agree to assume all such risks and hold iSpanno harmless for any incidents not resulting from gross negligence on the part of iSpanno.

  • Insurance: Participants must have comprehensive health, travel, and personal property insurance for the duration of their program. Details of required coverage will be provided.


7. Intellectual Property

  • Any materials provided during the programs, including but not limited to course content, program materials, and promotional materials, are copyrighted by iSpanno or its licensors. Participants are granted a license to use these materials for personal, non-commercial use only.


8. Data Protection and Privacy

  • iSpanno commits to protecting participants' personal data in compliance with applicable data protection laws. Personal data collected will be used solely for the purpose of administering the programs, and will not be shared with third parties without consent, except as required by law.


9. Complaints and Dispute Resolution

  • Participants are encouraged to bring any concerns to iSpanno staff as soon as they arise. iSpanno commits to a fair and prompt resolution process. Disputes not resolved amicably shall be submitted to arbitration or mediation in accordance with local laws.


10. Miscellaneous

  • Force Majeure: iSpanno will not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations where such failure results from any cause beyond iSpanno's reasonable control, including natural disasters, war, or political instability.

  • Governing Law: These Terms and Conditions and any disputes arising out of or related to participation in iSpanno programs will be governed by the laws of Spain, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.



By enrolling in our programs, participants acknowledge they have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions, and are fully aware of their legal implications.

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